The Sailor Moon and Sailor V manga were re-issued in shinsōban (“new edition”) volumes from 2003—2004 for the live action tokusatsu Sailor Moon series. The covers feature the new official English title for the series, Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon, which was used for the live action series.
Kodansha USA published English versions from 2011-2012 in two box sets and in individual volumes. The first box set and individual volumes are still available for purchase. This version featured a different translation from the Tokyopop translation of the tankōban, but both translations received criticism for errors. The third edition will feature a new translation.
Each volume features a new cover, new color pages and stickers (only available with the first printing). The color pages originally reprinted in greyscale for the tankōban are all printed in color. Naoko Takeuchi’s notes from the tankōban were removed. The volumes were re-edited and some illustrations were redrawn and dialogue rewritten by Takeuchi. The chapters were redivided to fit 12 volumes instead of 18 and the bonus stories moved into two separate volumes.
Images from Shining Moon